Araç muayenesini teşvik etmek için düzenleme yapıldı
Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığınca hazırlanan “7440 Sayılı Kanunun 10’uncu Maddesinin Yedinci Fıkrasına (Araç Muayenelerine) Dair Tebliğ (Seri No: 1)” Resmi Gazete’de yayımlandı.
Buna göre, Karayolları Trafik Kanunu uyarınca araç muayenesini süresinde yaptırmamış olanların, 30 Eylül 2023’e kadar araç muayenelerini yaptırmaları durumunda, muayene süresi geçirilen her ay ve kesri için hesaplanması gereken yüzde 5 fazla yerine Kanun’un yayımlandığı tarihe kadar Yİ-ÜFE aylık değişim oranları, Kanun’un yayımlandığı tarihten (yayımlandığı ay dahil) araç muayenelerinin yapıldığı tarihe kadar her ay ve kesri için aylık yüzde 0,75 oranı esas alınarak hesaplanacak.
Söz konusu tutarın muayene ücreti ile ödenmesi halinde yüzde 5 fazlalar alınmayacak.
Kaynak Link: NTV/TRT
Bu Haber ACM Cyprus Yeni Teknolojiler Çalışması Kapsamında, OpenAI – ChatGPT Tarafından Sizin İçin (Türkçe veya İngilizce) Yeniden Yazıldı. Okumak İçin Sayfaya Devam Edin.
Recently, in Turkey, a new regulation was introduced to encourage vehicle inspections, known as “araç muayenesi.” The aim of this regulation is to reduce the number of road accidents and ensure that vehicles on the road are safe for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
The regulation, which was enacted by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, introduces a new system whereby motorists who obtain a successful vehicle inspection will benefit from reduced traffic fines. This, in turn, is expected to increase driver compliance with the regulations and lead to fewer accidents on the road.
The new system incentivizes drivers to comply with the inspection requirements, which include checking key safety elements such as brake and tire condition, and verifying that the vehicle meets environmental standards. In the past, the requirement for regular inspections has been largely ignored by many drivers, due in part to the relatively light penalties for failing to comply.
Now, by making the inspection process more advantageous for drivers, the hope is that more motorists will take their vehicle for regular check-ups. Increased compliance with the inspection requirement will lead to vehicles being safer to operate on the roads, leading in turn to a reduction in the number of accidents and fatalities.
The Turkish government has set up a system of inspection centers throughout the country to make it easier for drivers to comply. Specialized and trained personnel will conduct the necessary tests, and individuals who obtain successful inspection reports will be issued certificates indicating compliance. These certificates are required to be produced in case of traffic stops, and being issued with a clear report will entitle drivers to reduce traffic fines.
The government will also launch an awareness campaign to ensure that drivers understand the benefits of compliance with the inspection regulation. Measures such as social media marketing, information dissemination through mass media outlets, and incorporating training and awareness materials in driving school programs, are all part of the government’s efforts to increase compliance.
In conclusion, this regulation represents a significant step towards ensuring a safer road environment in Turkey. By offering incentives for compliance, the government hopes to raise awareness and prevent accidents, making it clear that road safety is a priority. By taking regular vehicle inspections seriously, drivers can ensure that their vehicles are safe for themselves and for others, which will help to reduce the number of accidents and create a more secure driving atmosphere.