NATO ülkelerinin dışişleri bakanları NATO-Ukrayna Komisyonu’nda bir araya geldi – Son Dakika Dünya Haberleri
Türkiye’yi Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nun temsil ettiği toplantıda Ukrayna adına Dışişleri Bakanı Dmitro Kuleba katıldı.
Finlandiya Dışişleri Bakanı Pekka Haavisto ise ilk kez bir NATO toplantısında ülkesini tam üye olarak temsil etti.
Haavisto, alfabetik sıraya göre oturma düzeni bulunan salonda Estonyalı ve Fransız bakanların arasında yer aldı.
NATO Genel Sekreteri Jens Stoltenberg, toplantının açılışındaki konuşmasında, NATO’nun Rusya’ya karşı savaşan Ukrayna’yı sonuna kadar destekleyeceğini söyledi.
Toplantıda Ukrayna’nın savaşı kazanması için neler yapılması gerektiğini ele alacaklarını aktaran Stoltenberg, “NATO müttefikleri zaten çok ciddi destek sağlıyor ancak acilen daha fazlası lazım. Eğitim ve ağır silah taahhütlerimizi yerine getirmeli, silah ve mühimmat üretimini artırmalıyız.” diye konuştu.
Kaynak Link: NTV/TRT
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NATO countries’ foreign ministers gathered in the NATO-Ukraine Commission in a recent meeting to discuss the ongoing situation in Ukraine, as well as NATO’s role in supporting Ukraine’s efforts towards political stability and territorial integrity. The meeting was held against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which has been ongoing since 2014.
The gathering of NATO’s foreign ministers is a significant event as it signals the strong support that NATO gives to Ukraine, both politically and militarily. The alliance has been a strong ally of Ukraine since the annexation of Crimea by Russia, with NATO members providing military equipment, weapons, and technical expertise to support Ukraine’s efforts to resist Russian aggression.
The meeting covered a wide range of topics, including the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, the security situation in the Black Sea region, and the need for continued support for Ukraine’s reform agenda. The NATO ministers reiterated the alliance’s commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, calling on Russia to respect its international commitments and agreements.
The gathering also provided an opportunity for NATO and Ukraine to discuss ways to deepen and expand their partnership. The NATO-Ukraine Joint Commission has been established to support Ukraine’s efforts in military and defense reforms, and the alliance has also launched several initiatives to support Ukraine’s civil society and governance.
Overall, the NATO-Ukraine Commission meeting highlights the strong commitment of the alliance to supporting Ukraine’s efforts towards political stability and territorial integrity. Moving forward, NATO will continue to work closely with Ukraine to address the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine and enhance the country’s security and reform efforts.