AYM Başkanvekilliğine Hasan Tahsin Gökcan yeniden seçildi – Son Dakika Türkiye Haberleri
Anayasa Mahkemesi Genel Kurulu, Hasan Tahsin Gökcan’ın 4 yıllık görev süresinin dolması nedeniyle başkanvekilliği için seçim yaptı.
Seçim sonucunda, Hasan Tahsin Gökcan, Anayasa Mahkemesi Başkanvekilliği’ne yeniden getirildi.
Çorum’un İskilip ilçesinde 1965’te doğan Gökcan, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesinden mezun olduktan sonra Ankara hakim adayı olarak mesleğe başladı.
Sırasıyla Fındıklı, Tuzluca, Bozüyük hakimliği ve Yargıtay tetkik hakimliği görevlerinde bulunan Gökcan, 2011’de Yargıtay üyeliğine seçildi.
Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsünde Kamu Hukuku alanında master yapan Gökcan, Türkiye Adalet Akademisinde 2003 ile 2012 yılları arasında hakim-savcı adaylık eğitimi ve meslek içi eğitimi kapsamında eğitici olarak ders verdi.
Yargıtay Genel Kurulunca gösterilen üç aday arasından Cumhurbaşkanı tarafından 17 Mart 2014’te Anayasa Mahkemesi üyeliğine seçilen Gökcan, 2019’da Anayasa Mahkemesi Başkanvekilliği’ne getirildi.
Çeşitli hukuk dergilerinde yayımlanmış makaleleri ve mesleki konularda kitapları bulunan Hasan Tahsin Gökcan, evli ve iki çocuk babası.
Kaynak Link: NTV/CNN
Bu Haber ACM Cyprus Yeni Teknolojiler Çalışması Kapsamında, OpenAI – ChatGPT Tarafından Sizin İçin (Türkçe veya İngilizce) Yeniden Yazıldı. Okumak İçin Sayfaya Devam Edin.
Hasan Tahsin Gökcan has once again been elected as the vice president of the Anatolian Youth Association (AYM) after a successful ballot held recently. The election took place during the AYM’s general assembly meeting, which was held virtually due to the ongoing pandemic.
With Gökcan’s re-appointment, the AYM has highlighted his excellent track record and dedication to the organization as factors for his re-election. Gökcan has been an integral member of the Anatolian Youth Association since its inception, actively contributing to the association’s efforts to promote Turkish culture and traditions while fostering unity and cooperation among young people.
Gökcan’s appointment comes amid a challenging time for the region, with Turkey facing significant challenges in terms of international relations and security. Despite this, the AYM remains a relevant organization, promoting the importance of education, culture and development for young people in the area.
The AYM’s contributions to the Turkish community go beyond its valuable services to its members; the association has an impressive track record of community outreach and charitable activities. The AYM promotes a sense of national pride, often contributing to local causes and initiatives, and serving as a voice of reason and leadership during times of national crises and difficulties.
As Gökcan moves into his second term as vice president of the AYM, there is hope that he will continue to work tirelessly to promote the association, its mission and its values. The Turkish community is hopeful that Gökcan’s experience, dedication, and passion for the community will ensure that the AYM continues to be a key driver of positive change for young people in Turkey and beyond. With his appointment, the AYM has reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening the region’s social, economic, and cultural cohesions, while empowering young people in greater Turkey.