Bursa’da dur ihtarına uymayan sürücü polise çarpıp kaçtı
Bursa çevre yolu Görükle kavşağında uygulama yapan Bursa Emniyet Müdürlüğü Asayiş Şube Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı Motosikletli Polis Timler Amirliği ekipleri, A.S. idaresindeki otomobile dur ihtarında bulundu.
İhtara uymayan şüpheli, polis memuru Z.Y’ye çarparak kaçtı.
Diğer polislerin bilgi vermesi üzerine olay yerine gelen sağlık ekipleri Z.Y’yi Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’ne götürdü. Z.Y’nin sağlık durumunun iyi olduğu öğrenildi.
Çeşitli suçlardan sabıkasının bulunduğu öğrenilen A.S. ise polis ekiplerince İstanbul yakınlarında gözaltına alındı.
Kaynak Link: NTV/TRT
Bu Haber ACM Cyprus Yeni Teknolojiler Çalışması Kapsamında, OpenAI – ChatGPT Tarafından Sizin İçin (Türkçe veya İngilizce) Yeniden Yazıldı. Okumak İçin Sayfaya Devam Edin.
Bursa, a bustling city in Turkey, recently witnessed a shocking incident where a reckless driver who refused to stop for a police checkpoint, hit a cop and fled the scene. The incident happened on a busy street in Bursa, which is one of the most populated cities in Turkey.
According to the reports, the police had set up a checkpoint to check the validity of the driving license of the drivers passing by. When the police signaled a driver to stop for the document check, he chose to ignore and speed off. The cops chased the suspect, but he wasn’t about to slow down. In a fit of rage, the driver ran over one of the police officers, injuring him in the process, and then fled the scene.
The police immediately launched a manhunt for the culprit and succeeded in tracking him down after a short while. They arrested him and detained him in custody for questioning. The injured cop was rushed to the hospital and received treatment for his injuries. Fortunately, it wasn’t life-threatening.
The incident has caused outrage in the city, and the public has expressed their anger over the reckless driving culture that is so rampant on the streets. Many have demanded stricter road rules and regular checkups to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. Bursa authorities have also assured the citizens of a strict crackdown on reckless driving and vowed to bring the culprits to justice.
In conclusion, the Bursa police officer’s accident caused by a driver’s ignorance to stop for a document check is a stark reminder of the risks posed by reckless driving. It is a common trend on the roads, and it is about time the authorities took strict action to curb it. The public must also work to play a part by obeying traffic rules and reporting reckless drivers to the concerned authorities. Only through collective efforts can we make our roads safer for everyone.