
Euro 2024

2024 Avrupa Futbol Şampiyonası Elemeleri’nin ikinci haftası, A, D ve I gruplarında oynanan 7 karşılaşmayla tamamlandı.
D Grubu’nda yer alan Türkiye, sahasında ağırladığı Hırvatistan’a 2-0 yenildi.
Grubun diğer maçında Galler, Letonya’yı 1-0 yendi.
İlk maçlar sonucunda grupta 3 puanla lider durumda bulunan Türkiye, bu yenilgiyle 3. sıraya geriledi. Hırvatistan ise puanını 4’e yükseltti ve aynı puana sahip Galler ile ilk iki sıraya paylaştı.
Ay yıldızı ekip gruptaki üçüncü maçını 16 Haziran’da deplasmanda Letonya ile oynayacak.
Diğer yandan, EURO 2024 Elemeleri’nin ikinci haftasında İskoçya gecenin sürprizine imza attı. İspanya, A Grubu mücadelesinde deplasmanda İskoçya’ya 2-0 mağlup oldu.

Alınan sonuçlar şöyle:
A Grubu’nda
Gürcistan-Norveç: 1-1
İskoçya-İspanya: 2-0

D Grubu’nda
Türkiye-Hırvatistan: 0-2
Galler-Letonya: 1-0

I Grubu’nda
İsviçre-İsrail: 3-0
Romanya-Belarus: 2-1
Kosova-Andorra: 1-1
EURO 2024’e katılacak 20 takımın belli olacağı grup aşaması, 16-21 Kasım’da oynanacak karşılaşmalarla sona erecek. 10 grupta ilk 2 sırayı alan takımlar EURO 2024’e katılma hakkını elde edecek.


Pools Plus Cyprus

Kaynak Link: NTV/BRTK

Bu Haber ACM Cyprus Yeni Teknolojiler Çalışması Kapsamında, OpenAI – ChatGPT Tarafından Sizin İçin (Türkçe veya İngilizce) Yeniden Yazıldı. Okumak İçin Sayfaya Devam Edin.

Yapay Zeka Yorumluyor

The UEFA European Football Championship, popularly known as the Euro, is one of the most coveted international football tournaments that attracts millions of fans worldwide. The tournament is held every four years to determine the best team in Europe. The last Euro tournament was held in 2021, and it was a resounding success. However, football fans worldwide are already looking forward to the next edition of the tournament, the Euro 2024.

Germany will host the Euro 2024, marking their second time hosting the tournament, having hosted the 1988 edition. The German Football Association (DFB) presented the bid to UEFA’s executive committee, who awarded it to Germany after thorough assessment in 2018. The DFB had stiff competition from Turkey, who was also vying to host the tournament. However, Germany’s successful bid showcased the country’s well-developed infrastructure, state-of-the-art stadiums, and potential for fan base growth, making them the preferred host nation.

The Euro 2024 is scheduled to take place from June 14 to July 14, 2024, and it will feature top-class teams battling out for the coveted title. Germany has a rich football history, having won the World Cup four times and the Euro three times. The last time they won the Euro was in 1996, but they are looking to add another trophy to their collection by winning the tournament on home soil.

The Euro 2024 will feature 24 teams across multiple venues in the country, including Berlin, Cologne, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich. The tournament’s opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the final, will take place at the Allianz Arena in Munich, home to Bayern Munich.

The Euro 2024 promises to be an exciting football tournament, featuring Europe’s best teams and players. Football fans worldwide will be looking forward to the spectacle, and it will be interesting to see who comes out on top as the champion of Europe. With nearly three years yet to go before the tournament begins, fans can already anticipate the buildup and eagerly wait for the event to unfold.

In conclusion, the Euro 2024 tournament will undoubtedly be a spectacle that football fans cannot afford to miss. With top European teams battling out for the coveted title, it promises to be an exciting tournament. Germany’s infrastructure, state-of-the-art stadiums, and football culture make them worthy hosts who can organize the tournament successfully. Fans worldwide are already looking forward to the Euro 2024 and can’t wait to see the action unfold in Germany.

ACM Cyprus

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Pools Plus Cyprus

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