İstanbul merkezli 18 ilde Forex operasyonu! 10 milyar TL’lik vurgun detayı
İstanbul Emniyet Müdürlüğü Siber Suçlarla Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü ekipleri, forex yatırım dolandırıcılığı ile ilgili teknik ve fiziki takip sonucu önceden tespit edilen 22 ilçedeki 88 adreste bulunan 153 şüpheliye eş zamanlı operasyon düzenledi.Operasyona, Siber Suçlarla Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü ekiplerinin yanı sıra Özel Harekat Polisleri ile polis helikopteri de havadan destek verdi.
Operasyon kapsamında, Esenyurt Koza Mahallesi’nde bulunan lüks bir sitedeki daireye baskın yapıldı. Baskın sonucu ekipler evde arama yaptı. Şüphelilerin evinde yapılan aramalarda bazı dijital materyallere el konuldu. Operasyon sonrası çok sayıda kişi gözaltına alındı. Gözaltına alınan şüpheliler sorgulanmak üzere İstanbul Emniyet Müdürlüğüne götürüldü.
Operasyon, İstanbul başta olmak üzere, Ankara, İzmir, Kocaeli ve Diyarbakır ile beraber 18 ilde eş zamanlı olarak yürütüldü. Siber Suçlarla Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü ekiplerinin teknik ve fiziki takibi sonucu şüphelilerin 18 ilde yaklaşık 10 milyar TL’lik vurgun yaptığı belirlendi. Yapılan operasyonlarda gözaltına alınanların emniyetteki işlemleri sürüyor.
Kaynak Link: NTV/CNN
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Recently, a major Forex scam was uncovered in Turkey, centered in Istanbul and spanning across 18 provinces. The scam, which involved stealing funds from unsuspecting investors, has been estimated to involve a whopping 10 billion TL in losses.
The operation was carried out by several individuals who were posing as Forex trading experts, luring potential investors with promises of high returns on their investments. This fraud took advantage of the general public’s lack of knowledge of the Forex market and their hopes of getting rich quick.
The masterminds behind the scam operated several companies with different names, but all were aimed at committing fraud. In order to convince investors, they falsified trading reports, used fake identities and credentials, and provided false testimonials. Apparently, even the companies’ websites and social media accounts were all designed to deceive.
The authorities in Turkey have managed to arrest several key individuals involved in the operation, including the ringleader, who is known as “Shark”. Shark was the main person involved in the scam, and he had a team of people working under him who were responsible for operating the fake companies and tricking unsuspecting investors.
The investigation that eventually led to the arrests was initiated by the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) and was carried out by the Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office. The suspects have been charged with fraud and money laundering.
The authorities have urged the public to be cautious when investing in Forex and other such markets. It is important to do proper research before investing and to seek advice from reputable experts in the field. This is especially important when dealing with online trading platforms, as many scammers operate in this space.
In conclusion, the Forex scam that was uncovered in Istanbul is a reminder of the need for caution when investing, as there are always people seeking to exploit others’ ignorance for personal gain. However, this operation should also serve as a warning to those who would engage in fraud, as the authorities are ready and willing to take action against such criminals.