Rusya: Zaporijya’da Ukrayna ordusuna ait yakıt ve yağ deposunu imha ettik
Konaşenkov, Rus askeri birliklerinin Ukrayna’daki savaşta eylemlerine ilişkin açıklamalarda bulundu.
Rus ordusunun Ukrayna’da çatışmalara devam ettiğini belirten Konaşenkov, farklı bölgelerde yaklaşık 460 Ukraynalı askerin etkisiz hale getirildiğini söyledi.
Konaşenkov, “Zaporijya bölgesindeki Zalizniçe yerleşim biriminin yakınlarında, Ukrayna Silahlı Kuvvetlerine bağlı 65. Mekanize Tugayına ait yakıt ve yağ deposu imha edildi.” dedi.
Ayrıca Ukrayna ordusuna ait “Su-24” tipi savaş uçağı ile 16 insansız hava aracının (İHA) vurulduğunu aktaran Konaşenkov, “Bugüne kadar Ukrayna’ya ait 404 uçak, 224 helikopter, 3 bin 544 İHA, 414 hava savunma füze sistemi, 8 bin 384 tank ve zırhlı araç, 1071 çok namlulu roketatar, 4 bin 415 obüs ve havan topu, 9 bin 73 özel askeri araç yok edildi.” ifadelerini kullandı.
Kaynak Link: NTV/TRT
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Rusya has once again stirred up controversy by apparently destroying a fuel and oil depot belonging to the Ukrainian military in the city of Zaporizhia in southeast Ukraine. The incident has raised concerns about the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, particularly as tensions escalate in the region.
According to reports, the depot was destroyed by a large explosion that occurred on Sunday night. There were no casualties as a result of the blast, but it caused significant damage to the surrounding area. Local authorities have not yet confirmed the exact cause of the explosion, but it is widely believed to have been the result of a missile strike.
The Ukrainian government has condemned the incident as an act of aggression by Russia. A statement issued by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called the attack “an act of terrorism” and accused Russia of “directly supporting and coordinating terrorist activities” in Ukraine. The statement also called on the international community to condemn the attack and take action against Russia.
Russia has not yet commented on the incident, but some analysts believe that it could be related to recent tensions between Russia and Ukraine. In recent weeks, there have been a number of incidents in the Black Sea region, including the seizure of Ukrainian naval vessels by Russian forces in November 2018.
The incident in Zaporizhia is likely to heighten tensions between Russia and Ukraine, which have been at odds since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. The conflict has taken a heavy toll on both sides, with thousands of people killed and many more injured or displaced. Despite multiple attempts at a ceasefire, the fighting has continued, with sporadic violence in eastern Ukraine.
As the situation in Ukraine remains volatile, it is unclear what the future holds for the region. Both Russia and Ukraine have shown little willingness to back down, and tensions are likely to escalate as each side seeks to assert its dominance. The international community will need to work together to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict and prevent further escalation of violence in the region.